I'm worn out, I've been spending a lot of time trying to train the humans and sometimes they are just impossibly dim. Now even pups know that bells mean 'space invaders' and that requires barking and general alarm signals all round. My humans however ignore all bells except the rather annoying one on the cooker, which gets them jumping around/falling over me/cursing-steam-general panic and mayhem. Weird or what!
In other areas things are progressing nicely, they now respond well to my single loud bark which means please give me a drink/biscuit/get my ball down from the window sill. I also have regular lap space in the evenings but I'm still not able to train them to let me sleep on the bed. Although I do have my own folded up duvet on the floor which is pretty comfy and at least nobody squashes me when they roll over.
So my message to all dogs out there waiting to be rescued is don't give up hope and when you do get new humans train them carefully and whatever you do don't bite them however dim witted they are. With a little patience they will give you years of love and good grub.
If you have any questions on training leave me a comment and I will try to help.